Here are the first 7 tips.

1. How often should I mow my lawn?

Answer: Weekly mowing is the rule, but some lawns need cutting more often.

2. Use these 5 tips to make your lawn more vibrant

a. Before you start fertilizing and adding any amendments to your soil, you must know what kind of soil you have. …

b. To achieve a healthy green lawn, you need to fertilize regularly. …

c. Water Consistently …

d. Mow Properly …

e. Control the Weeds …

3. How often should I aerate my lawn?

Depending on the soil once or twice a year. Aeration involves removing small plugs of soil from the lawn, which helps to improve overall lawn health by allowing water, nutrients, and oxygen to reach the grass roots more easily. Aeration also aids in breaking up compacted soil, which stifles grass growth.

4. How to fertilize your lawn

Always push the lawn spreader, never pull it, and walk at a moderate pace. Your speed affects the rate at which the fertilizer is laid.If your lawn is irregularly shaped, make header strips around the entire perimeter. Then, work your way inward. Go up and down the lawn with parallel strips.

5. 3 Ways Landscaping Can Increase Your Home Value

a. ADD TREES TO YOUR YARD. …Planting trees makes your landscape look better. They add curb appeal and increase your property value. Shade trees cool your home in summer and lower your utility bills.

b. Benefits of lawn edging… Gives your lawn a clean manicured appearance while increasing curb appeal. Adds value to your landscape without spending a lot of money.

c. ADD COLOR. Beautiful plants and shrubs.

6. How to water your lawn the right way.

How long to water your lawn depends on, among other factors, sprinkler water pressure. Measure how much water your sprinkler delivers in 15 minutes then use that to calculate how long to run your sprinkler to deliver the recommended inch of water per week.

7. Save money with these lawn care hacks

  1. Water as needed. On average, a lawn needs about one inch of water per week, from rainfall or irrigation.
  2. Fertilize naturally. Don’t break your back trying to bag lawn clippings.
  3. Use common household items.
  4. Maintain your mower.

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